Singapur · 21. Januar - 22. Februar 2025

RCCSGP Gone Gravel JB

Wo Schmutz auf Nervenkitzel trifft



Verlassen Sie mit uns die ausgetretenen Pfade. Dicke, grobstollige Reifen, breite Sattelstreben, große Kassetten, Schlamm, Dreck, Staub, dorthin fahren, wo wir nicht hinfahren sollen (oder wo uns nicht gesagt wird, wohin) … alles Zutaten für Geschichten, die ein Leben lang halten. Unsere Fahrt führt uns nordwärts, tief nach JB hinein, für eine Runde solides Schotterfahren. Wir treffen uns mit unseren Clubkameraden, die die Straßenfahrt machen, und überqueren gemeinsam den Causeway. Vielleicht treffen wir sie sogar danach auf einen Kaffee. Route wird noch bekannt gegeben, erwarten Sie >100 km gemischte Oberflächen, Straße, Schotter, Singletrail. RCCSGP Gone Gravel 5:30 Uhr Sa, 22. Feb. Esso Woodlands


The meetup point is at Esso Woodlands, or you can use this link to find the location:

The ride will begin at 5:30 am, preceded by a pre-ride briefing by Ride Leader Ashley Tay. Please arrive at the meetup location before 5:30 am, and use any extra time to visit the washroom or grab drinks before the briefing starts.

Please note that another group will also be starting at the same time and location, so make sure to check in with Ashley by then.

Essential Items that you needed to bring for the ride are:

  • Reisepass
  • Spare Cash (in Malaysia Ringgit)
  • Puncture Kit (Spare Tubes, CO2/ Electric pump/ Hand pump, Tyre levers, Multitools, Tyre plugs(for if those using tubeless setup that prefer this tool)

Optional Items to bring

  • Gels, Bars (Depending on your own personal requirement, and we do not provide them)

Items that should be on your bike and you during the ride

  • Helm
  • Working Front and Rear Lights, With adequate lighting
  • Bidons (bring as many and as large a volume as you think you’ll need, keeping in mind that the ride will last more than 2 hours, though there will be refueling points along the way)

Route for the ride is To Be Announced, we will announce it shortly days before the event day arrives. 

We will also announce the rest points along with the route, and they will be briefed again during the pre-ride brief by Ashley

The route we'll be taking primarily consists of roads with loose sand and grassy areas around village backyards (we will not be riding through any crop fields).
RCCSGP Gone Gravel JB